Organizations & Friends

IMAGO is a welcoming community of Christian artists and art lovers exploring the intersection of art, faith and life together in Houston, TX. IMAGO hosts monthly meetings, annual art shows, workshops and social "Artings."
Art for the City fosters production of high-quality Christian art for the benefit of the Houston community by creating opportunities for the promotion and growth of Christian artists through collaboration between various Christian churches and faith-based organizations.
Artsy Friends
Keittoodles - Art by Beth BrubakerDown the Rabbit Hole
Fish and Ships
Define Me
538studio -
Eric Ober - Metal Sculpture |
Dana Caldera - Painter
Christy Tennant Krispin - singer, dancer, actor, writer, consultant
Norberto Clemente - painter, founder of Houston Arts Showcase
Elizabeth White-Olsen
Jenn Fox Brown - former resident artist at Sojourn Church, Houston TX
Taylor Brown - artist
Christi Williams, PhD - artist, philosopher
Lucy and Aslan, 2012
Inspired by the following passage from C. S. Lewis’ Prince Caspian: “Will the others see you too?” asked Lucy. “Certainly not at first,” said Aslan. “Later on, it depends.” “But they won’t believe me!” said Lucy. “It doesn’t matter,” said Aslan |
Hold Thou the Light Burning in My Soul
Inspired by David Elginbrod by George MacDonald, specifically the following passage -> |
A prayer:
O Thou, what keeps the stars alight, And my soul burning with a light Above that of the stars, Grant that it may shine before Thee As the stars forever and ever. And as Thou holds the stars Burning in the night, When there’s no one to see, So hold Thou the light Burning in my soul, When I see neither Thee, nor it, But am buried in the grave Of sleep and forgetfulness…. Grant that more and more thoughts of Thy thinking, May come into my heart day by day, Until there shall be at last an open road Between Thee and my soul, And Thy angels may ascend and descend upon me, So that I may be in Thy heaven, Even while I am upon Thy earth: Amen. |
Fredna Manney - oil painter, woodworker, singer
Jennie Kimbrough - encaustic artist
Rescue, 2011
Waiting, 2011
Tatiana Nikolova-Houston, PhD - artist
Hal Moran - photographer
Love Runs Deep
Good Friday
Anne Cameron Cutri - artist
Interactive Theater Company - family interactive theater company in Houston, TX founded by Robb Brunson
Houston Area Christian Arts
Ad Deum Dance Company
A. D. Players
Anointed Ink
Art for the City - independent Christian art catalyst |
A 2nd Cup - not for profit organization fighting human trafficking. Has a coffee shop in the Heights that hosts art shows. |
Ballet Excelsior of Houston
Borrowed Talents Collective - community of Christian artists,writers and musicians in Katy.
Canvas Church - quarterly art shows, art blog
Central Houston Inspirational Writers Alive! - Christian writers group that meets at Houston's First Baptist Church
Chapelwood United Methodist - Creative Space
Christ Church Cathedral - Cloister Gallery
Cy Fair Christian Church - art show
Ecclesia church - art shows, arts community called Make Art or Die.
Episcopal Diocese of Texas Art Gallery
Houston Baptist University Art Gallery
Illumination Arts Ministry - artist community based at University Baptist Church.
IMAGO - community of Christian artists and art-lovers based at Houston's First Baptist Church. Holy Week Art show, monthly meetings.
John Wesley United Methodist - previously hosted ArtFest
NewSpring Center - arts outreach to at-risk youth.
Sojourn Church - artist in residence and Studio Residency program in the Heights.
St. John the Divine Church - art gallery, art shows
St. Julian Press Inc. - local Christian arts and literature press
Texas Christian Film Festival - hosted by Bethany Christian Church
The Vineyard Church - arts community is called The Guild, art shows.
Christian Arts Organizations
Church + Art Network has now become CAELA
Art House Dallas
Artists in Christian Testimony Intl.
Christians in Theatre Arts
The Kindlings - is a movement inspired by C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Dorothy Sayers and a diverse group of gadflies and friends called The Inklings, who met in an Oxford pub each week for lively conversation and friendly disputation. We think such discourse should be intelligent, imaginative and hospitable. Our aim is to rekindle the spiritual, intellectual and creative legacy of Christians in culture. (lots of interviews and Podcasts)
New Renaissance Arts Movement
OM Arts International
Society for the Arts in Religious and Theological Studies - great AND academic!
Spark and Echo Arts - illuminating every verse of the Bible
Other Arts Organizations
International Arts Movement - founded by Makoto Fujimura |
Alpha Omega Artists - AWESOME religious art blog
Fujimura Institute - also founded by Makoto Fujimura
Specialty Christian Art Bookstores / Publishers

Eighth Day Books - specializing in classic books across the disciplines of art, science, and the humanities since 1988.


Piquant Editions - is a small Christian publisher (including eBooks) in the UK of theology and mission resources, arts and fiction

Square Halo - Extraordinary books for ordinary saints. In Christian art, the square halo identified a living person presumed to be a saint. Square Halo Books is devoted to publishing works that present contextually sensitive biblical studies, and practical instruction consistent with the Doctrines of the Reformation. The goal of Square Halo Books is to provide materials useful for encouraging and equipping the saints. BLOG
St. Julian Press Inc. - Houston Christian arts small press
Christian Arts Blogs
Art House America
Church and Art Network
Curator Magazine
Diary of an Arts Pastor - Blog by W. David O. Taylor, PhD
Good Letters - Blog of Image Journal
Rock & Sling
Transpositions - AWESOME! The official blog of the Institute for Theology, Imagination, and the Arts at the University of St Andrews.
Christian Arts Publications (Online and In Print)
arts - Publication of the SARTS
Curator Magazine - Publication of IAM
CIVA SEEN - Publication of CIVA
Image Journal - top shelf Judeo-Christian art and literature
Relief Journal
Rock & Sling
Ruminate - offering annual contests for Christian visual art and writing
Texas Related Christianity & Art Links

Retreat property in the beautiful Texas Hill Country hosting Artist Retreats and Ministers to Artist Retreats. No Ministers to artists retreat in 2016 (remodeling)

Dallas Theological Seminary added a new department in 2014: Media Arts and Worship!
Additional Christianity & Art Links
Fuller Theological Seminary'sThe Brehm Center offer an
ONL!NE Certificate in Theology and the Arts
From The Blake Society in Australia, The Blake Prize & The Blake Poetry Prize. Named for William Blake, the prizes encourage artists and poets to explore the intersection of religion and art. |